50-Year-Old Tanzania Resident Living Active and Pain-Free Life after Knee Replacement in India

Knee Replacement by Dr. Jayant Arora Asia Columbia Hospital in Gurgoan

With 3 torn ligaments and no cartilage left in his right knee, 50-year-old Mr. Andwele Malokotela of Tanga, City in Tanzania had two options – continue to live in pain and suffer through sleepless nights, or get a knee replacement. And thanks to the expertise of Dr. Jayant Arora of Asia Columbia Hospital, who is India’s leading orthopedic surgeon and an innovative approach to improving knee replacements, Andwele was not only pain-free within days after his knee replacement in India, but also walking and biking within weeks.

“I was completely floored,” says Andwele. “The first night after my surgery I was standing, the following day I was walking without and pain.” After playing football at University, he endured to play aggressive, high-impact sports throughout his 20s and 30s. However, this sort of life-style additionally comes with risks, as Andwele had critically injured his right knee numerous instances. The ones mounting knee injuries brought about growing pain, decreasing physical activity, and sleeplessness. The dearth of sleep, in turn, sapped his motivation and strength.

When he was ready for help, Andwele turned to an orthopedic surgeon in Tanzania, the same doctor who had replaced both of his father’s knees during a single operation numerous years before. But what Andwele didn’t fully realize at the time was that he wasn’t going to benefit from his expertise as his case was complex, and none of surgeons and hospitals in Tanzania had advanced facility to help him. So he decided to look for the option in medically developed countries that offer the latest technologies at an affordable cost. He started looking for options online there he came across many countries offering affordable travel packages like Thailand, Mexico, Singapore and many more but he found India more appealing and contacted Tour2india4health Consultants, who had a reputation for assisting international patients. I contacted them through their website. He obtained evaluations from at least 3 doctors from various hospitals through the case manager. Later, with the help from him, he planned to get the surgical operation performed at Asia Columbia hospital via Dr. Jayant Arora.

Tour2india4health Consultant’s team made all the necessary arrangements and all the required formalities to help him come to India. Immediately, the patient arrived in India, and he was received at the airport and taken to the hotel. The very next day, his appointment had already scheduled with Dr. Jayant Arora at Asia Columbia Hospital in Gurgaon. Dr. Arora is one of the Top most Knee Surgeons in India who has performed almost 5,000 knee surgery so far. During his appointment, he gave a detailed case record related to his knee pain. After having the knee x-ray showed, the surgeon confirmed that he would need to undergo the bilateral knee replacement in India. Soon, his date of the surgery was scheduled; however, also from a brand new approach to enhancing knee replacement outcomes.

He was little concerned before the surgery; however Dr. Jayant Arora made him relaxed and assured him that he will be absolutely fine under his care. The surgeon proceeded with the operation, and the surgery went well; thus, Andwele was in minimal pain immediately after surgery – step one to a quicker recovery. But recovery doesn’t mean relaxation. Dr. Jayant Arora’s team now uses a rehabilitation protocol that literally gets patients back on their feet within hours after surgery.

He was standing on the very first day after his surgery, few days after he started with physical therapy, like flexing his knee, lifting his leg up off the ground and onto his bed, and strolling. Andwele realized that getting him moving right away was a priority for the whole medical team – his surgeon, nurses, and physical therapists; they were, according to Andwele, persistent, but even supportive.

Andwele is living a happy and a pain-free life. He goes out for a walk, exercises and does everything he wants to. Tour2india4health Consultant team helped him to lead a healthy life ahead. Thus, Andwele was in minimal pain immediately after surgery – step one to a quicker recovery.