Radical Prostatectomy in India Prolongs Life Expectancy of Men with Prostate Cancer

What is Radical Prostatectomy?

A radical prostatectomy is a surgical operation to deal with prostate cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your doctor will discuss different options for treatment. In case your cancer is only within the prostate gland and hasn’t spread to surrounding tissue, your doctor can also recommend a radical prostatectomy. In a radical prostatectomy, a surgeon removes your whole prostate gland. The prostate is a small organ that wraps round your urethra. The urethra is the tube that moves urine from your bladder to your penis.

Radical Prostatectomy in India Prolongs Life Expectancy of Men with Prostate Cancer

Why Mumbai for Radical Prostatectomy?

Prostate cancer treatment in Mumbai is widely available across different hospitals across the city. Mumbai is globally renowned for the quality of medical treatment and skilled doctors and surgeons, who provide their services at an extremely reasonable cost. Many patients from abroad fly to Mumbai every year for cancer treatment. Mumbai has a number of high-quality clinical, surgical, and radiation oncologists, a majority of that are skilled and educated from a number of the best institutes within the world. There are many reasons why one should choose to undergo prostate cancer treatment in Mumbai. Some of these include the following:

  • Experienced and highly skilled oncologists
  • Availability of the latest diagnostic and treatment technology
  • State-of-the-art hospitals
  • Economical treatment facilities
  • Low cost of living

Baha al Din long, wet Road Back to Normal in India after Prostate Cancer Surgery

Hello, my name is Baha al Din I am from UAE. I came for Prostate cancer surgery in India at Mumbai. My doctors at home suggested me to undergo a prostate cancer surgery and advised me to look for surgery abroad. I kept searching for low-cost surgery destinations. I found out tour2india4health website which provided surgeries to foreign national at very low cost. This was my salvation. This was what I wanted. So I came for my prostate cancer surgery in India at Mumbai.  An executive from tour2india4health consultant took me from the airport to the hospital, the Mumbai hospital was amazing with modern medical facilities. The pre-op testing went swiftly and the Mumbai hospital provided efficient services and attention. The morning of my surgery went by quickly and I was wheeled off for the operation. My memories of getting a prostate cancer surgery in India at Mumbai are most happy and it is a short walk to the main square. Mumbai is very ethnic and historical. It is “Somewhere in Time.” It is great to step out to tour about and get your mind off yourself. Of course, for that I want to thank the surgeons and team of tour2india4health consultant for providing me with such excellent services and I would happily recommend their services to anyone who wants to get his or her surgery in India.”

Famous Radical Prostatectomy Surgeons in Mumbai

Prostate cancer treatment in Mumbai is done by famous radical prostatectomy surgeons in Mumbai at an affordable cost. People prefer the city for their medical treatment over any other city due to the cost factor, skilled surgeons, doctors & specialists, well-facilitated hospitals with the latest, advanced technology having a maximum success rate. Few famous radical prostatectomy surgeons in Mumbai to name are

  • Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
  • Rajesh Kumar Ahlawat
  • Rajeev Sood
  • Rupin Shah
  • Ramesh Mahajan
  • Narmada Prasad Gupta
  • Arun Shah
  • Mohan Keshavamurthy
  • Sanjay Sinha

Why Most of the UAE Patients Choose Radical Prostatectomy Surgery in Mumbai?

Mumbai has become a flourishing hub for radical prostatectomy surgery and the growth has been attributed to ‘word of mouth’. Mumbai has been witnessing an influx of medical tourists from across the world, including the UAE and the Arab region. A large population of Indian doctors have been trained abroad and have returned to India for work. The costs of treatments in India are only one-tenth of those in the UK and the US.  Owing to this, there has been a noteworthy upswing in the number of UAE Patients traveling to India for radical prostatectomy surgery each year, in addition to other treatment and procedures.

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